トップページ > 特別外来の開設について



 寺岡記念病院脳神経外科では森田明夫顧問の着任に伴い、寺岡記念病院 顔面痙攣・三叉神経痛・聴神経腫瘍外来を開設します。




 森田明夫医師は東京大学脳神経外科(福島孝徳先生のおられた三井記念病院での3年弱も含めて)での研修を経て、米国随一の脳神経外科施設であるMayo Clinicにて7年間臨床経験を積まれチーフレジデントまで務めて、米国George Washington大学の脳神経外科助教授を務められました。9年間の米国修行の後、東京大学脳神経外科講師その後助教授、NTT東日本関東病院脳神経外科部長を経て、10年間東京文京区の日本医科大学脳神経外科の教授・部長を務められました。

森田明夫医師 脳動脈瘤・脳腫瘍特別外来 受診方法(要予約)

 外来予約(通常外来):火曜日、水曜日 午前中
 セカンドピニオン外来:水曜日午後1時~3時 (他電話応談)
  (セカンドオピニオン外来 費用 3万円)


Announcement of the Opening of Teraoka Memorial Hospital Neurosurgery, Special Outpatient Clinic for Cerebral Aneurysms and Brain Tumors:

 We are pleased to announce the opening of a special outpatient clinic for brain aneurysms and brain tumors in the Department of Neurosurgery at Teraoka Memorial Hospital, following the appointment of Dr. Akio Morita.
 Dr. Akio Morita trained in the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Tokyo (including 3 years at Mitsui Memorial Hospital under Dr. Takanori Fukushima), and then gained 7 years of clinical experience at the Mayo Clinic, the best neurosurgery facility in the U.S. He served as Chief Resident there and Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery at George Washington University. After 9 years of training in the U.S., he served as a lecturer and then assistant professor at the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Tokyo, and then as chief of the Department of Neurosurgery at NTT Medical Center Tokyo and as the professor chair and chief of the Department of Neurosurgery at Nippon Medical School in Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo for 10 years. He has treated many very difficult brain tumors and cerebral aneurysms. He is one of the few all-rounders in Japan who is well versed in the latest treatments for all neurosurgical diseases. In particular, he has treated more than 1,000 cases of brain aneurysms and brain tumors, and has continued to provide the best medical care for his patients.
 His watchword is “To be the last bastion of neurosurgery.”
 Dr. Morita is available for outpatient consultations on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, and accepts referrals from patients and their families who are having problems with treatment or are concerned about their illnesses. Dr. Morita himself can perform surgeries at Teraoka Memorial Hospital or Moriyama Memorial Hospital in Tokyo, and since he knows many good neurosurgeons collegues, he can also recommend excellent doctors in your area.
 Please consult with us, especially if you are in need of treatment for brain aneurysms or brain tumors. We will be happy to suggest the best treatment plan. If you do not wish to be treated at our clinic, but would like to ask us suggest specifically about the possibility of a treatment plan, we can also provide you with a second opinion.
 The regular consultation lasts 15 minutes, and the second opinion visit lasts 30 minutes.

Dr. Akio Morita Special outpatient clinic for brain aneurysm and brain tumor How to see the doctor: Reservations are required.

Outpatient appointment (regular outpatient): Tuesday and Wednesday mornings
Please bring a letter of referral from your referring physician and a CD of your images to your visit if possible.
Second opinion outpatient: Wednesdays, 1:00-3:00 p.m. (other telephone consultations available) (Outpatient second opinion fee: 30,000 yen)

We also offer brain dock checkups accredited by the Brain Dock Society of Japan. Dr. Morita was a member of the board of directors of the Brain Dock Association and also served as its president.
Dr. Morita will be in charge of examinations during his tenure.

To make appointments; contact info@teraoka-hosp.jp